Fractionated laser facial skin rejuvenation, results, reviews

Fractional ablative laser rejuvenation is an excellent alternative to surgical methods. The procedure is ten times safer than surgery.

What is fractional laser rejuvenation

what is fractional facial skin rejuvenation

Before using the fruits of cosmetological innovations, find out what the method is, what reviews of laser fractional rejuvenation left by clients and specialists familiarize you with photos and videos of the results of the procedures.

Fractional laser rejuvenation of facial skin is a relatively new but effective procedure in cosmetology. It is sometimes called fraxel or photothermolysis.

Rejuvenation is achieved using a special laser. The operating principle of the device is based on the selective destructive effect of a concentrated light beam on the cells of the epidermis.

The method excludes the use of aggressive toxic components as in peeling, and the efficiency is higher than after an injection procedure or other procedures.

Cells that remain intact are activated and begin to divide to repair the areas damaged by the laser. The ability to produce collagen and elastin increases, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. The look changes for the better. Wrinkles are smoothed, age spots or scars gradually disappear and the skin becomes firm.

Despite its high efficiency, the method has some contraindications. You should not resort to procedures for:

  • psoriasis and allergy tendencies
  • skin infections
  • malignant formations;
  • blood diseases
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • epilepsy;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

It is better for pregnant and lactating women to postpone the session.

Types of fractional rejuvenation

Ablative and non-ablative methods are distinguished depending on the depth and the principle of exposure to laser beams. Sometimes a combined method is used that combines the effects of both types.

Ablative laser rejuvenation

fractional facial rejuvenation before and after photos

Ablative means the mass effect of the device on the entire selected surface. A concentrated luminous flux heats a skin area, the temperature immediately reaches a value of several hundred degrees. As a result, the thinnest layer of the epidermis evaporates so quickly that the heat does not have time to penetrate into the deeper layers. At the mobile level, recovery processes are started, the skin is tightened.

Scars or scars are also removed with a laser. For this, nozzles are used, by means of which they do not act on the entire surface, but selectively only on the problem area.

Impact of the procedure:

  • Fine wrinkles disappear, deep folds are smoothed out.
  • The manifestations of pigmentation on the face as well as in the décolleté area or on the neck are smoothed.
  • Loose skin becomes smoother.
  • In the case of gravity ptosis of severity grade I and II, a lifting effect is obtained.
  • Scars and scars become less visible.

The method is used when signs of aging are already pronounced. The procedure is prescribed for fair-skinned women between the ages of 40 and 65.

Non-ablative laser rejuvenation

Non-ablative rejuvenation does not damage the skin surface. Under the influence of the laser, the tissues heat up easily to 45 ° C. Light rays, without destroying the upper layers, immediately penetrate into the depth of the document. As a result, cell regeneration starts, blood supply and metabolism are activated.

Indication of prescribing procedures:

  • Slight expression lines or minor age-related changes.
  • Slight loss of elasticity.
  • Surface staining.

The method is suitable for eliminating initial age-related changes. Patients under 35 years of age, regardless of phenotype, resort to non-ablative rejuvenation.


how to perform fractional facial skin rejuvenation

Fractional laser rejuvenation of facial skin CO2is ​​an innovative method aimed at improving the condition of the skin. The laser beam is broken down into microcurrents, which do not affect the skin massively, but pointwise, in a checkerboard pattern. Some areas remain intact, others are burned.

This method is safe, it allows you to process large quantities while maintaining quality and reducing the rehabilitation period. Suitable for all skin types and all age groups.

Benefits of Fractional Laser Rejuvenation

Advantages of the Fractional Facial Rejuvenation Method:

  • Quick recovery. The timing depends on the method of exposure to the laser.
  • Minimal risk of complications.
  • The effect of laser rejuvenation lasts from one to two years.
  • Not only the face but also the décolleté area is treated with a laser. It is used even for the particularly sensitive area around the eyelids.

Positive changes can be seen immediately after the session. In the future, only the effect of the procedure with fractional laser skin rejuvenation will increase.

Potential Risks

With fractional rejuvenation, there are small side effects. Disadvantages include redness, peeling of the skin and itching after cosmetic sessions. These manifestations disappear completely in a few days.

A failed selected clinic or actions by an unqualified specialist lead to more deplorable results:

  • The laser-treated area begins to hurt and swell.
  • Large age spots appear.
  • The injury lasts more than two weeks.

People with these symptoms seek medical attention.

Which devices are used

The following types of lasers are used for fractional rejuvenation:

fractional face rejuvenation devices
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2).Radiation generates heat that activates collagen repair. After treatment, wrinkles, scars are smoothed, skin tone is increased, pigment spots light up. Using a laser, warts or papillomas are removed, the device is also used for skin surface treatment.
  • Erbium.An erbium laser is more superficial than CO2. It evaporates moisture at shallow depths. Therefore, the device is used to remove thin layers of dermis to remove superficial wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin around the eyes.
  • Laser Fraxel.Warms the skin from the inside without damaging the surface. As a result, adhesions and scars dissolve, fat cells are destroyed, and significant skin rejuvenation is achieved.
  • Diode.Generates an infrared pulse that heats all skin layers and triggers the production of collagen and elastin. Using the method eliminates wrinkles, the effects of acne and eases age spots.

Facial rejuvenation lasers are manufactured by different manufacturers.

How to prepare for the procedure

Preparation usually takes 2 weeks. During this period, it is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics and skin care products based on alcohol to perform chemical peels. They also exclude visiting the beach or solarium and in the last three days of preparation - swimming pools, saunas or baths.

Antibiotics are also prohibited. If there is a need to take such drugs, the procedure is postponed to another period. Beauticians often prescribe a course of antiviral and antibacterial agents.

On the eve of the procedure, stop alcoholic beverages, smoking and exercise altogether.

Before starting the session, cleanse the skin of impurities. An anesthetic is applied to the prepared area. And only then do they begin laser treatment of the skin cap. Usually a session lasts several minutes, in particularly difficult cases - up to 1 hour.

How often is a fractional rejuvenation session needed

how to prepare for a fractional facial rejuvenation procedure

To maintain aging skin, cosmetologists advise to perform a complete course of recovery procedures. On average, it takes five to seven sessions. The frequency depends on the chosen method and the area of ​​the treated area, characteristics of a particular person.

The first positive effect is already observed on the fifth day. The skin is smoothed, the skin color improves, superficial wrinkles disappear. A complete course of fractional laser rejuvenation provides a more reliable and lasting result.

Rehabilitation Period Recommendations

To avoid complications and restore your skin faster, follow a few simple rules during the rehabilitation period:

  • Use anti-inflammatory drugs. In the early days, gel or ointment is applied every hour. The interval between treatments can be gradually reduced.
  • Take antibiotics for a week, but only if prescribed by your doctor.
  • Wear a medical mask and sunscreen for the first seven days when you go out.
  • When sleeping, try to keep your head as high as possible. This is to prevent edema.

Also forbidden:

  • Remove even the crusts that appear on areas of skin treated with the laser.
  • Comb the damaged areas.
  • Use abrasive products and cleansing masks for three weeks after rejuvenation.
  • Use decorative cosmetics for a week.

The rehabilitation period lasts, if the recommendations are followed, approx. 1 month.

How long the result is stored

Fractional laser skin rejuvenation is characterized by low trauma. The use of innovative technologies ensures rapid skin regeneration.

result after fractional laser skin rejuvenation

As the method triggers natural regeneration processes, the result is preserved for a long time.

When the methods are combined, the positive effect reaches 3 years. Therefore, frequent sessions are not necessary to maintain the tone.

Cost of Fractional Laser Facial Rejuvenation

The cost of fractional laser rejuvenation of the facial skin depends on the popularity of the clinic, the qualifications of the beautician and other factors. The type of equipment, the area of ​​the treated surface, the skin type and the drugs used are important.


Fractional laser facial rejuvenation reviews are mostly positive.

Here's one of them:I did the laser ablative rejuvenation procedure. The skin becomes a little red and flakes the first few days. The beautician explained that these are natural consequences. Antibiotics were not required, but of course she took care of her face in the beginning. More than a year has passed, I look ten years younger, the magic effect does not disappear. I am very happy, I repeat the sessions.